Borehole Drilling Scammers In Zimbabwe Now On The Loose - BE WARNED!

Borehole Drilling in Zimbabwe is looking forward to your call or WhatsApp Message.

Please feel free to leave a message on our WhatApp number or alternatively please call us and we will be able to help you straight away. If you would prefer, send us an email with your details and an outline of your enquiry and we will be pleased to come back to you. We respond to all enquiries usually within 24 hours, but guarantee within 48 hours.

Our Contact Numbers Are: +263 77 389 8979 or +263 71 918 7878

WATER is life! Zimbabwe’s taps have now run dry and Zimbabwe’s local authorities are no longer providing piped water, which is a basic human right.

Residents are now relying on borehole water and even the President of Zimbabwe has introduced what is now called the Presidential Borehole Scheme, whose role is to provide borehole water for both urban and rural communities.

Scammers have now seized this opportunity as more and more desperate Zimbabweans seek borehole drilling services. But borehole drilling scams are on the rise where conmen impersonate company owners and company agents stealing thousands of dollars for services that they will never provide.
Borehole Drilling Scammers In Zimbabwe Now On The Loose - BE WARNED!
The conmen will advertise on the internet, social media platforms, emails or even put adverts in the newspapers. An ordinary Zimbabwean is attracted to cheap boreholes on the internet with some charging as little as US$500 for a 40m pegged hole and US$900 for 80m inclusive of other additional charges such as citing fees.

These conmen are always on these platforms to pounce on those who fall for their trick. Their customer service is second to none and their social media response is so convincing that anyone will pay upon request.

They even go to the extent of requesting their client to pay the first half payment through a mobile payment service, at a rate that is agreed with the company and will advise that the other 50% be settled when the drillers come to the drilling site. Once they receive the payment you will never hear from them again.

Some of these conmen have gone a step further. They will approach a properly registered drilling company in the area where a request for a borehole is required.

They will then advise the drilling company that they require a borehole and drive the rig to the drilling site. Upon arrival they will demand their full payment before the job, which will be paid away from the rig driver.

They will then advise their client that they need to top up the rig with diesel at a nearby garage. They will then advise the rig driver to follow them and that will be the end of the deal.

How To Choose A Borehole Drilling Company in Zimbabwe:

These scammers have become so common that it is advisable to use some of Zimbabwe’s known borehole drillers. It is now important to:

1. Visit the company website,
2. Meet the employees as a means of knowing who the client is dealing with.

Read The Following Articles That We Have Hand Picked For You:

  1. These Are The Top Borehole Drilling Companies In Zimbabwe.
  2. The Best Borehole Drilling Companies in Zimbabwe.
  3. The Top Ten Borehole Drilling Companies in Zimbabwe.
  4. Choosing A Borehole Drilling Company In Zimbabwe Can Be Daunting - BUT READ THIS!
  5. Why Is It Important To Use A Reputable Borehole Drilling Company In Zimbabwe?

Read the above recommendations so that you do not fall for these scammers; use Borehole Drillers in Zimbabwe that have Websites, Emails, and a Social Media presence. For more details please do not hesitate to contact Borehole Drilling in Zimbabwe on +263 77 389 8979.

Borehole Drilling in Zimbabwe is looking forward to your call or WhatsApp Message.

Please feel free to leave a message on our WhatApp number or alternatively please call us and we will be able to help you straight away. If you would prefer, send us an email with your details and an outline of your enquiry and we will be pleased to come back to you. We respond to all enquiries usually within 24 hours, but guarantee within 48 hours.

Our Contact Numbers Are: +263 77 389 8979 or +263 71 918 7878

The Cost or Prices For Borehole Drilling in Zimbabwe:

Please Note: Prices provided here act as a guide only, they may be different at the time of contacting the contractor. Whilst due care has been taken to ensure the authenticity of the above list, the clients are encouraged to practice due diligence and ask for references before they engage a specific contractor.

This website is owned by Borehole Drilling In Zimbabwe.We offer FREE expert advice to property owners who wish to or have boreholes drilled at their properties. We also work with pre-screened and trusted borehole drilling contractors who subscribe to quality workmanship and set standards of professional service.

Borehole Drilling In Zimbabweis meant to be a one-stop platform where clients can easily find professional borehole drilling and maintenance contractors. Of late, many property owners have been crying foul over poor and dishonesty service; from some contractors. This may be a case of lack of information on the part of the client or truly dishonest service on the part of the contractor.

This guide and our free expert advisory services will serve to solve both these problems.

Request A Quote:

If you have further questions, contact our friendly team today they will be more than happy to assist.

Borehole Drilling in Zimbabwe Sales: +263 77 389 8979 and +263 71 961 3479.

Your Link To The Best Borehole Drilling Companies in Zimbabwe!

Borehole Drilling in Zimbabwe brings together the best borehole drilling companies in Zimbabwe, Manufacturers of Drilling, Pumping, Control and Ancillary Equipment; Drilling and Installation Contractors; and Professional consultants from the groundwater industry In Zimbabwe.

Members of Borehole Drilling in Zimbabwe benefit from being part of a network of individuals and companies who are committed to upholding the minimum standards of practice and who offer complementary products and services. If you are an end-user of groundwater, whether on a farm, or in a residential garden, then browse our website (Borehole Drilling in Zimbabwe) and get in touch with the Borehole Drilling in Zimbabwe. We are in the business of providing excellent information to you, so that you can get many years of sustainable water from your Borehole in Zimbabwe.

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Borehole Drilling in Zimbabwe Is An Online Media Resource Specialized In Delivering Up-To-Date Borehole Drilling and Water-Related News in Zimbabwe. BDZ Sales Team
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