Borehole Drilling in Zimbabwe - What Is A Water Borehole And How Does It Work?

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Our Contact Numbers Are: +263 77 389 8979 or +263 71 918 7878

A water borehole is a narrow opening drilled vertically into the ground to get water. It is access to underground water.

Water found in boreholes primarily comes from rainwater that seeps through multiple layers of rock and soil and settles on the water table. Other sources include rivers and dam leaks.

An installed water pump draws water from the water table and channels it via a pipe to the surface. A borehole has a filter at the bottom to remove sand or other solid materials in the water.

What Is The Process For Installing A Borehole?

If you are interested in installing a borehole, there are several aspects and essential things to consider and plan to be done.

First, you should consider your location. Location is by far the most important because your success majorly depends on it.
Borehole Drilling in Zimbabwe - What Is A Water Borehole And How Does It Work?
 Borehole Drilling in Zimbabwe - What Is A Water Borehole And How Does It Work?
Once you are confident that your site is suitable, you may need to get a permit depending on your locality.

Borehole Site Survey:

Locations close to septic tanks, waste disposal from factories, or anything else that might pollute underground water, are not suitable.

Hire a professional such as a hydrogeologist to conduct a site survey and help you determine your location's suitability.

A hydrogeologist will establish whether your site will provide water in the required quantity and quality.

After assessing your site, the hydrogeologist will give you recommendations, such as the drilling depth, pumps to use and casing materials.

However, the final decision lies with you.

Borehole Drilling and Construction:

After you select the drilling site, get quotations from a variety of licensed borehole contractors.

Your hydrogeologist can also help by giving you recommendations. Choose one that fits your profile and let them start drilling.

The contractor uses a rotating pipe that has a hammer and a drill. The hammer and the drill break up rocks while going underground.

The drilling continues until the required depth is reached. Once this is achieved, the rubble is removed, and then a steel casing is installed in the hole from top to bottom.

You will require a pump and pipes to get the water from the borehole to your home or place of use. Most drilling companies offer these in addition to drilling services.

Note: You hire a drilling contractor to drill at the required depth and not to find the water.

Borehole Yield and Water Quality Testing:

A pumping test will be done to determine the yield of the borehole. This test will help to determine the size of pipes to install.

Pumping or aquifer test involves pumping water from the borehole for a specified amount of time (yield) to measure the lowering of the water level in the borehole (abstraction rate).

An alternative test is the blow yield. The disadvantage of the blow yield test is that it is not as accurate as the aquifer test.

Test pumping for a specified amount of time is required to determine the accurate yield and remove debris from the borehole.

Testing of the borehole water quality is the next crucial stage. Chemical analysis should be done to determine if the water is safe for drinking and domestic use.

A test report will detail the water quality and any remedies required, such as disinfection and removal of mineral components.

Pump and Filter Installation:

Once health experts have determined that the water is suitable for usage, you proceed to the ultimate stage, accessing the water from your borehole.

Data gathered from the aquifer test is vital at this stage to aid in selecting the right pump and filter. Your drilling contractor should be able to advise you and give you recommendations.

The type of pump and filters also depend on your water usage; it can either be an electrical pump or a hand pump. For any electrical installation, get a qualified electrician.

Borehole Maintenance and Care:

Proper maintenance of your borehole will determine how long it will last. If you maintain and care for it regularly, then it will serve you for years.

There are a number of common faults that will affect the flow and quality of your borehole water, such as mechanical blockage caused by soil build-up, chemical build-up, and bacterial infection.

Seek the services of a professional to check and ensure that your entire water system is working properly.

Below are some of the ways to care for and maintain your borehole:
  • Protect the hole and don’t let any impurities like pesticides, fertilizer or oil enter.
  • Regular testing of water quality for any changes in taste and/or water level.
  • Regular cleaning of the pumping system and filters
  • The borehole should be cleaned and disinfected
  • Drain all the water in the borehole and remove sediments and debris

Pros And Cons Of Boreholes:

Similar to any other source of water, water boreholes also have their advantages and disadvantages.

  1. Saving on cost- the initial investment and maintenance are the only costs you are likely to incur. However, you will realise that you won’t be paying as much compared to when paying monthly bills and limiting your water usage in the long term. With a water borehole, you can use as much water as you want without caring about the bill.
  2. Consistent Water supply– no more water shortage or begging your municipality to restore water due to water rationing or unpaid bills. A water borehole gives you a consistent and unlimited water supply.
  3. Make money– you can also decide to sell your borehole water to other households or properties within your area. The money will help with maintenance costs.
  4. Increase in property value– water is a necessity, and with a borehole, a constant supply is guaranteed. The presence of a water borehole makes your property more valuable, especially during droughts.
  1. Environmental impact– drilling a water borehole affects the environment and the area where the holes are dug. Especially if several boreholes have been drilled around the same place. However, the impact on the environment can be lessened by using environmental controls and policies.
  2. Water contamination- groundwater may contain harmful bacteria and other impurities like iron. This will make the water unsafe for drinking, and it will have to be treated first.
  3. High Initial Cost– the process of drilling a water borehole will require hiring professionals at different stages. Site survey, drilling the ground, depth of the boreholes, installation pumps, filters and pipes, and water treatment are crucial aspects that will require advice and recommendations from industry experts. Getting the expert's services won’t be cheap.

Borehole Drilling in Zimbabwe is looking forward to your call or WhatsApp Message.

Please feel free to leave a message on our WhatApp number or alternatively please call us and we will be able to help you straight away. If you would prefer, send us an email with your details and an outline of your enquiry and we will be pleased to come back to you. We respond to all enquiries usually within 24 hours, but guarantee within 48 hours.

Our Contact Numbers Are: +263 77 389 8979 or +263 71 918 7878

The Cost or Prices For Borehole Drilling in Zimbabwe:

Please Note: Prices provided here act as a guide only, they may be different at the time of contacting the contractor. Whilst due care has been taken to ensure the authenticity of the above list, the clients are encouraged to practice due diligence and ask for references before they engage a specific contractor.

This website is owned by Borehole Drilling In Zimbabwe.We offer FREE expert advice to property owners who wish to or have boreholes drilled at their properties. We also work with pre-screened and trusted borehole drilling contractors who subscribe to quality workmanship and set standards of professional service.

Borehole Drilling In Zimbabweis meant to be a one-stop platform where clients can easily find professional borehole drilling and maintenance contractors. Of late, many property owners have been crying foul over poor and dishonesty service; from some contractors. This may be a case of lack of information on the part of the client or truly dishonest service on the part of the contractor.

This guide and our free expert advisory services will serve to solve both these problems.

Request A Quote:

If you have further questions, contact our friendly team today they will be more than happy to assist.

Borehole Drilling in Zimbabwe Sales: +263 77 389 8979 and +263 71 961 3479.

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Borehole Drilling in Zimbabwe brings together the best borehole drilling companies in Zimbabwe, Manufacturers of Drilling, Pumping, Control and Ancillary Equipment; Drilling and Installation Contractors; and Professional consultants from the groundwater industry In Zimbabwe.

Members of Borehole Drilling in Zimbabwe benefit from being part of a network of individuals and companies who are committed to upholding the minimum standards of practice and who offer complementary products and services. If you are an end-user of groundwater, whether on a farm, or in a residential garden, then browse our website (Borehole Drilling in Zimbabwe) and get in touch with the Borehole Drilling in Zimbabwe. We are in the business of providing excellent information to you, so that you can get many years of sustainable water from your Borehole in Zimbabwe.

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